I honestly feared the day I would make this, but I need to do this for my own mental health.
I’m no longer going to be drawing, I give up. I thought all I needed was a break in the hopes that it would set my mind at ease, to get my will back up to pick up my tablet again properly and set out to drawing again. But I just can’t find the will to draw anymore…all the fun I had with drawing is just gone now.
Everyday I try to work on a drawing just feels more like I’m trying to do a chore, and that’s not how I want to feel whenever I draw. I used to love this, I poured so much time into it and got great at it after so many years. But now all that joy is gone; nothing more but a feeling of nostalgia that I can never get back.
I want to thank all of you who stuck with me through all this time. It does mean a lot that you enjoyed my art enough to follow me. But I’m sorry to disappoint that this is probably the last art you’ll see me produce.
Thank you again…and sorry…